An efficient collaboration with the parent committee
The Parents’ Committee aims to represent the common interests of children and parents. To this end, the parent committee of the daycare center House by the park has periodic meetings with the management of House by the park. The parent committee thinks along and advises. It also critically follows the policy and identifies areas for improvement.
The parent committee of House by the park helps organize festivities in and around the nursery (for example: outings, BBQ, Halloween party, picnic, etc.),
Our parent committee has its own regulations and is registered with De Geschillencommissie Kinderopvang en Peuterspeelzalen.
You are welcome to join the OC!
If you are interested in becoming a member of the OC, please contact our parent committee manager. We are currently looking for parents who would like to become members! You can send an email to which will be forwarded to the appropriate person.