Quality assurance


Quality assurance

House by the park

Childcare House by the park records all aspects of childcare in writing. From parental requirements and implementation to evaluation. The services are tailored to the interests of the children and parents. This is in conjunction with the pedagogical standards and values used here. Our staff and management value personal contacts and smooth interactions. We will use services/advice from third parties e.g. someone who plays live music, does play and movement exercises, a speech therapist or if desired a hairdresser. we have knowledge and expertise in house to provide advice and parenting support to parents. Suggestions and input from parents are greatly appreciated, as we see child care as an ongoing process that should be dependent on the needs of the parents.
We organize various activities to get together as a group. You can think of picnics, parents’ evenings, grandparents’ day, annual drinks, barbecues, etc.

The manager is in charge of developing, establishing and implementing the policy.

She also ensures proper staffing, implementation of our quality requirements. That is, under her leadership the employees are managed in such a way that they are able to make their contribution to the realization of the objectives.